IEC Two Year Insurance Option

IEC Working Holiday Visa - Looking for two year IEC insurance?

The International Experience Canada (IEC) program is a convenient way for young people (up to age 30-35 depending on program) from other countries to work temporarily in Canada.  Most IEC participants come to Canada under the Working Holiday program. Working Holiday visas have to be applied for in advance through the Canadian Embassy or Consulate in a participant’s home country.  Each country has an annual quota of available Working Holiday visas.  The visas are popular, and the quota is normally filled very quickly each year. There are several requirements for the IEC program.  One of these is medical insurance.  Working Holiday visa holders must have hospital and medical insurance coverage in place for the entire period of time that they are in Canada.  Medical costs can be very expensive in Canada, and this requirement insures that participants will be able to afford medical care in Canada in the event of an accident or emergency illness. Most Working Holiday visas are issued for one year.  However, recently, the Canadian government has begun to issue two-year Working Holiday visas to participants from Ireland, Australia, New Zealand (23 months), United Kingdom, and France.  In order to qualify, visa recipients must purchase medical coverage that will be valid in Canada for the full two years.  BestQuote Travel Insurance Agency represents all of the major insurers in Canada offering visitors-to-Canada insurance.  Most of these companies do not yet offer two-year insurance policies, although BestQuote does have 2 year options available for IEC visa holders. Why choose a Canadian insurance company? Canadian hospitals and clinics are more familiar with Canadian insurance companies, making it easier to 'coordinate payment' at the time of service. This means that instead of having to pay out of pocket and then seek reimbursement, the Canadian companies are usually able to prevent you from having to pay at the hospital/clinic. Also, Canadian policies will usually offer coverage for stable pre-existing medical conditions, something international companies are very reluctant to do. You can easily get a free quote on our web site. Simply enter your arrival and departure dates into our quote engine (top left in green - choose 'Visitors to Canada' and 'Emergency Medical' to get started). Or, call 1-888-888-0510 to speak to one of our agents (email to: ). Congratulations if you've already received your IEC visa! Bob Hornal President BestQuote Travel Insurance Agency