Articles by Bob

- An increasing number of Canadians are traveling with medical devices such as Implantable Cardio Defibrillators (ICDs).   Many travelers with heart conditions will be familiar with the ICD, which is used as a preventive device in heart patients.  These small devices are placed under...
bob's picture By Bob
- Finding adequate travel insurance is always a challenge for travelers with serious medical conditions, such as those that require the use of home oxygen.  Home oxygen is often recommended for people with low blood oxygen levels.  There are many diseases that can cause this problem,...
bob's picture By Bob
- Document Verification Filipino overseas workers with a Canadian work visa are required to have their documents verified by either the Vancouver or Toronto Philippines Overseas Labor Office (POLO) attached to the local Philippines consulate.  As part of the verification process, employee...
bob's picture By Bob
- Some Canadians equate health coverage with tax status.  In fact, the two are not necessarily the same.  Canadians living overseas who maintain significant ties to Canada may still be liable for Canadian income taxes, even though they have lost their provincial health care coverage due...
bob's picture By Bob
- Residency Requirements In BC, a recent court case highlighted the issue of maintaining provincial medical coverage while traveling outside of Canada.  A retired couple had spent a lot of their time visiting family in the Middle East from 2001 to 2010, and rarely used BC’s Medical Services...
bob's picture By Bob
- Travelling after Stent or Heart By-pass Surgery? For travelers with heart conditions, especially those who have had stent or by-pass surgery, obtaining adequate coverage from travel insurance is always a challenge.  Fortunately, we are still normally able to find insurance for these travelers...
bob's picture By Bob
