Super Visa Application Approval - or Denial?

Super Visa Application Success Factors

Since the Super Visa program started in December 2011, we have helped hundreds of Canadian families get approved to bring their parents and grandparents to Canada.  Unfortunately, some of our clients have had their super visa applications rejected.  Our experience indicates that up to 20% of Super Visa applications are denied, withdrawn or abandoned.  While every case is different, we have noticed common themes among many of the unsuccessful applicants: 1. Lack of Financial Support in Canada – sponsoring children and grandchildren in Canada must meet the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) threshold.  LICO increases with the size of your family, which puts larger families at a disadvantage.  However, keep in mind that LICO is only a guideline.  If you live in an expensive city like Vancouver, the immigration officer processing your application may want to see a higher income.  Therefore, if you anticipate making more income in the next year, wait until you receive your next income tax notice of assessment before applying. 2. Lack of Home Country Ties – the Super Visa is a temporary resident visa.  This means that applicants are expected to continue to maintain ties to their home country, such as a family home, business, employment, close relatives or memberships in religious or cultural organizations.  Applicants should be careful not to cut these ties until after receiving their super visa. 3. Lack of Financial Resources – applicants with no employment, source of income or assets in their home country may be viewed less favorably.  Immigration officials may assume that these applicants will find “unofficial work” in Canada. In regards to the insurance policy that a person obtains to meet the super visa application requirements, purchasing a policy with a $10,000 deductible (where you are required to pay the first $10,000 of any medical expenses before the insurance company will begin to pay the rest) has led to super visa application denial in more than one instance. So, if financial strength and resources are not way above the guidelines, using this option is not advisable - but a  $1000 deductible policy would not be a problem. 4. Previous Immigration Violations – applicants should ensure that they do not have any outstanding unresolved immigration issues from previous visits to Canada.  Likewise, the sponsor should ensure that they have a clean record with Citizenship & Immigration Canada. 5. Lack of Credibility – often, visa applicants do not present well at interviews.  In these cases, immigration officers may believe that they are not answering questions truthfully.  Applicants should prepare for their interview, and have answers ready for common questions. 6. Lack of Documentation – there are very specific forms and supporting documents necessary for Canadian visa applications.  Read the instructions carefully.  If necessary, enlist the assistant of an immigration consultant or lawyer.  Submitting an incomplete or incorrect application will at a minimum delay your application, and in most cases cause the application to be rejected completely. Be prepared.  Read the information provided by Citizenship & Immigration Canada carefully, and ask for assistance if you do not understand.  In some cases, it may be better to delay your application until you are fully prepared, or consider applying for a different visa. Vance Derban is a licensed insurance broker at BestQuote Travel Insurance Agency.  He can be reached